19-21 May 2026
Flanders (Belgium)

Innovation Spotlight: Emerging start-ups

What will the content be about?

  • Focus on the gaps/needs in the animal health and/or welfare market that can be met with the technology
  • Mode of action/scientific basis/soundness of the technology
  • Application that will be developed (timeline)
  • Proof of concept at TRL 3-6
  • Intellectual property
  • Cost of goods, regulatory aspects and chemistry/manufacturing/upscaling
  • Information on business case (market size, competition, …) is required

Panel of experts for review:

  • Regulatory experts (regulatory dept. of animal health companies or EMA/National Agencies)
  • External Innovation dept. of animal health companies
  • Investors
VHH based solution for treating complex diseases in animal health

Charles Owen - CEO at 272 BIO

Synocure, biomedical nanotechnology for the treatment of equine lameness

Lucas Decuypere - CEO at Allegro


Challenging the Status Quo: An Antimicrobial Alternative with a Bioactive Polymer for Bovine Health

Jelena Suran - CEO at Apiotix Technologies

Novel treatment of urothelial cancer of the bladder in dogs

Annelies Bogaerts - CDO at Benno Therapeutics

Soundsafe Care – For a “safe & sound” veterinary care

Andrea Mariani - CEO at Soundsafe Care

Faster, simpler, and cheaper facilities for RNA development and production with Ntensify technology

Lionel Malbec - Product Manager at Quantoom Biosciences 

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