19-21 May 2026
Flanders (Belgium)

Innovation Spotlight: Emerging Technologies

What will the content be about?

  • Focus on new scientific breakthroughs that can lead to innovative applications related to animal health and/or welfare
  • Mode of action/scientific basis/soundness of the technology
  • Possible applications identified
  • Proof of concept at TRL 1-3
  • Intellectual property
  • First thoughts on cost of goods, regulatory aspects and manufacturing
  • Information on business case (market size, competition, …) is optional

Panel of experts for review:

  • Regulatory experts (regulatory dept. of animal health companies or EMA/National Agencies)
  • External Innovation dept. of animal health companies
  • Scientists (academia and/or industry)

Emerging Technologies Presenters

Genome-wide engineering of African swine fever virus using synthetic biology to accelerate vaccine development

Sanjay Vashee - Professor and Rockville Campus Director at J. Craig Venter Institute

Lining the gut of dairy calves with bacteriophages protects them from Paratuberculosis

Jeroen De Buck - Professor, Chair in Bacterial Diseases of Dairy Cattle at University of Calgary

Bacteriophage-derived endolysins are the next generation of antimicrobials to control streptococcal mammary gland infections in dairy cows

Niels Vander Elst - Postdoctoral Researcher at Ghent University and KU Leuven

A novel recombinant vaccine for control of lung plague in cattle

Paul Hodgson - Director of Operations at Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)

MucoVac – Targeting to aminopeptidase N as a gateway through the gut barrier

Hans Van der Weken - Postdoctoral Researcher at Ghent University

Towards prevention and improved management of canine diabetes : Utilising genetics in veterinary precision medicine

Lucy Davison - Professor of Veterinary Clinical Genetics and MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow at Royal Veterinary College

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