19-21 May 2026
Flanders (Belgium)

Workshop: Discovery - Pre Development

Topic 1: Find the expert

Steve Nanchen, Head external innovation - Elanco

  • How to find the right expert in (large) universities or public research organizations?
  • How to establish strong links and collaboration between experts in adacemia and industry?
  • Are any tools available?
  • Tips & Tricks
Topic 2: Proof of concept

Mathieu Peyrou - CEVA

  • What level of POC/TRL is required? Is this different between medium size
    companies and big pharma companies?
  • What are the critical data that should be provided?
  • Different requirements for livestock and companion animals
Topic 3: Intellectual Property

Stefaan Wera - Virovet

  • Is IP need to have or nice to have?
  • At what stage do you reach out to industry: invention disclosure (presubmission), during the priority year, before publication of the patent application, ... ?
  • Collaboration, inventionship and ownership of results

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