19-21 May 2026
Flanders (Belgium)

Workshop: Early Development & Valorisation

Topic 1: Regulatory aspects and GxP

Vladimir Pucovsky, Scientific Administrator, EMA Europe

  • How does the new animal health law stimulate innovation in animal health
  • EMA’s innovation task force services and regulatory guidance
  • When is GxP relevant/required?
  • Can industry provide regulatory guidance?
  • Tips & tricks
Topic 2: Technology offer and matchmaking

Hervé Poulet - Director of Strategic Partnering, Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health

What information should a technology offer contain: what does industry
want and what can innovators provide?

  • Importance of data on mode of action, efficacy, safety, market potential
    and regulatory aspects.
  • At what stage can collaboration start and how can this be funded?
Topic 3: Valuation and Deal-Making

Lourdes Mottier - Elanco & Sven Arnouts - University of Ghent (Provaxs)

  • Cost of goods and manufacturing: at what stage should this be considered?
  • The cost structure of the development process: from discovery to MAA
  • Valuation of innovative and ground-breaking technologies:
  • What if benchmarking is not possible?
  • Should it be risk-adjusted?
  • Deal structure
  • Default elements of the deal
  • Differences in function of TRL of the asset

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